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How to Stop Over-Complicating and Over-Thinking Every Decision

I’ve noticed a trend with my clients (and ummm, in myself!) when it comes to making an important decision for our businesses. We can tend to overcomplicate and/or overthink it.

There are times when it’s more prevalent than others but often it comes up during one of these situations:

  • when it’s time for a change
  • when you need to make a decision
  • when you want to launch a new service or product
  • when you want to create a passive income opportunity
  • when it’s time to examine your business model
  • when it’s time to scale
  • when it’s time to actually create a business model (instead of flying by the seat of your pants!)
  • when it’s time to shift gears
  • when it’s time to show up and participate in the online conversation (hello, Facebook Live and Insta Stories Video).

Whatever the situation that precipitates the overthinking and overcomplicating, the first thing I want you to know is that it’s perfectly normal. Whew, right?

Let’s imagine we have a big pocket of delicious time to dream & plan. We lean into it and feel the thrill of pushing our own boundaries with new and creative ideas. Then, either slowly or suddenly, the overthinking and overcomplicating of every-single-detail starts showing up. Before you know it, you’re right at the edge of chuck it – f*ck it and ready to throw in the towel because it’s just too damn hard.

In today’s post I’d like to talk about my personal solutions for dealing with this overcomplicating and overthinking phenomena that seems to take over our beautiful brains from time to time.

How to Stop Over-Complicating and Over-Thinking Every Decision_ via Krista Smith at

For me, I know it’s just my inner critic showing up to have a little safety party in my head. She stops me from taking my ideas forward because she craftily makes it seem like it’s ALL too hard to accomplish.

My own personal solution for getting out of my head is to get into my heart.

Instead of overthinking it and overcomplicating it, I start to feel it. I mean really feel it. I’ll ask myself questions like:

  • “What does this feel like?”
  • “Where do I feel the excitement or knowing in my body?”
  • “How can I describe the sensations I’m feeling?”
  • “What does my intuition want me to know about this situation?”

I totally tune into my heart and my body. I lean into my intuition. I slow down and feel all the feels. Often my inner mentor stands to attention at this point and my inner critic’s voice (the over thinker) is drowned out. Incidentally, your inner mentor is always there for you too and when you slow down and start to feel, you’ll connect with her. She can guide you in the direction that will help you the most.

Start listening to your intuition, tuning into your body, noticing where your feel resonance and where you feel dissonance. The decision will become SO much clearer.

The second solution I have for you when you feel yourself slipping into overcomplication mode is to literally stop yourself and ask yourself the question, “How Can This Be Easy?” (Literally, my favourite question of ALL time.)

Seriously. Ask yourself this question. It immediately shifts your perspective. Every. Single. Time.

Those two things alone are enough to get me out of any complicated overthinking funk. I hope by sharing my own personal solutions, I’ve give you a couple of new strategies to try when you find your brain going into overload.

I created a screensaver for you phone in case you want to download it to remind you that one simple question can shift you out of complication and into action.

Just click on the image, save to your downloads, open the image in your photos, and find the option to “use as wallpaper”, then position it on your screen and save! Hop over to my IG feed to see an example of me doing it on my iPhone!

For your phone:

How Can This be Easy by Krista Smith FREE phone screensaver!


For your Tablet:

How Can This be Easy by Krista Smith FREE tablet screensaver!

Krista Smith

If you are a woman over 40 who owns a small business, you understand how important it is to have your website, social media, and email marketing working for you while you sleep. I'm Krista Smith. Here at Activate Her Awesome, I have a proven framework that I use to develop websites and marketing plans that work so you can attract new leads and increase your sales.

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