How to Connect Your Lead Magnet in MailerLite

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In today’s post, I’m going to demonstrate just how easy it is to connect your lead magnet (or freebie) to your Convert Kit account. SO many women struggle with what to post on social media and many of them miss the opportunity to let social media do what it does best. Drive traffic. Too many women spend hours of time trying to grow their followers. The goal of your social media channels should be to guide people to your email list so that you can serve them well in their inbox and eventually invite them to work with you or…

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How to Connect Your Lead Magnet in Convert Kit

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In today’s post, I’m going to demonstrate just how easy it is to connect your lead magnet (or freebie) to your Convert Kit account. SO many women struggle with what to post on social media and many of them miss the opportunity to let social media do what it does best. Drive traffic. Too many women spend hours of time trying to grow their followers. The goal of your social media channels should be to guide people to your email list so that you can serve them well in their inbox and eventually invite them to work with you or…

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How to Get More Clients From Your Website

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This is the first in a series of episodes dedicated to help you understand how your website works to send you more leads. We all need more clients. When we spend thousands of dollars creating a website and when it doesn’t send us a consistent series of new inquiries, we can feel really disappointed. The thing is, most women over 40 don’t understand how websites work with Google and the other search engines. In today’s podcast episode, I’m sharing all the details so that you can get MORE leads and make MORE money using your website. Tune in and you’ll…

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How to Schedule Out Your Instagram Posts in Advance for FREE Using Creator Studio

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As a business owner, you’ve got a lot going on. Keeping up a regular posting schedule on social media can feel like a serious chore. But what if I told you there was a free tool that you can use to schedule your posts in advance? (Spoiler: there totally is)! In this video, I’m showing you how to take the stress out of social media by using Creator Studio to schedule your next Facebook and Instagram posts in advance.

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How to Decide What to Include in Your Newsletters

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You’ve committed to building a business online. A big part of that strategy involves marketing your products and services to your ideal audience. In my last post, I talked about the reasons why you need to have a newsletter for your business. Today I’d like to cover five different strategies you could employ as you commit to communicating with your dreamiest clients. Before we dive into the strategic part of delivering content, I’d like you to pause for a moment and hop over to your own inbox. I know you’ve given your email to a number of businesses. It’s important…

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Do I Really Need a Newsletter on My Website?

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I’m not going to hold back here. Yes. You definitely need a newsletter for your business. You need an opt-in area on your website so that you nurture leads. Here’s a statistic for you: only 5-20% of new visitors are ready to buy from you. BUT…that increases to 60-70% for returning visitors. (*source) There is a reason a new visitor has chosen to visit your website. There is something that you have to offer that is intriguing to your audience. AND it’s okay that they’re not ready the first time they visit. This is an opportunity. You get to build…

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How to Finally Get Over the Fear of Blogging and Connect With More Dream Clients

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I can’t tell you how many of the women I work with say to me that they know they need to start using their blog but they start thinking about it and they break out in a sweat. I know what it’s like to build a business and not know where to even start with writing content. New things are scary. Engaging and building an audience on your blog can take you right to the edge of chuck it #%ck it. When I was first building my own web design and coaching business I had no one in my life…

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How to ask for (and receive!) the kind of feedback you need to move forward

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Once in a while, we all need a little help and asking for the right kind of feedback is one of those things. What I often see clients and colleague get tripped up on is how to ask for what we need in a way that feels respectful, appreciative and clear. How many times have you asked your client for feedback on your work or ideas and either heard nothing or you receive detailed and copious notes on every single letter on a page? The problem may not be with your client. The problem could be with you because you’ve…

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How to say no to the people in your life who want your time for free

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We’ve all been in the difficult position of giving our time and expertise away for free. If you’re at the early phase of building your business, it’s likely you’re even enjoying the fact that friends, colleagues, and professional acquaintances are seeking you out for your expertise. There comes a a time in every creative entrepreneur’s life where you find yourself wondering where the line is between casual advice and crossing over into your own services. I show up all the time in online communities and give my time away for free by answering questions, providing support, and championing those who…

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