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A Digital DNA Design for the Insightful Lorena Knapp

Today I’d like to introduce you to Lorena Knapp.

LorenaLorena is an Accountability Coach specializing in helping people identify their next steps and creating a plan of action to move forward. What would you be doing if you weren’t waiting for someday? An Accountability Coach (like Lorena!) will help you identify what’s holding you back and create a plan of action to help you move forward. 

The thing I love about Lorena is that she walks the walk and talks the talk. She’s a dream chaser and helps her clients chase their own big dreams. Her upcoming group program, Big Life Accountability Support Team (BLAST) is geared towards people looking to get from someday to today.

Are you ready to reach for your dream? Meet Lorena! 

 What’s the best way to bottom line what you do?

I’ve got my dream job: flying a medevac helicopter in Alaska and helping others achieve their dreams as an accountability coach.

Let’s pretend we just met on the sidewalk and both of us are free for the afternoon [yes!]. Where would you suggest we go for our first in-real-life conversation?

I’d love to stroll along the Coastal Trail in Anchorage talking and listening to what you’re most interested in creating in your life as we gaze across Cook Inlet at Mount Susitna and let the Alaskan landscape inspire us. After our walk, we’d continue envisioning what you’d most like to create in your life over a americano at a Middleway Cafe or a malbec at Sack’s Cafe.

How do you describe your work?

I’m an accountability coach for individuals and small groups. Each week we meet up for an hour long video conferencing session. Every session has a different focus and topic that relates to how to live more in alignment with your purpose and values. The topics range from productivity and goal setting to soothing your inner critic and identifying limiting beliefs. Then we discuss insights participants have had about themselves and the obstacles they face (either external or internal) that prevent them from achieving their dreams. We discuss ways to tackle each obstacle in a positive supportive manner that fills clients with ease and gives them specific actionable steps for moving forward.

What’s the one thing you wish everyone understood about what you do?

Consistent action leads to big results. Implementing change isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Working with a coach and/or a supportive accountability group helps foster your success. You don’t have to grind your way through change. It is much easier and more fun with others.

What’s your favourite place to hangout online right now? Why?

I love the connections I’ve been making on Twitter. More than one connection has turned into a real life friend.

Close your eyes and think back to your old website. What do you remember?

My site was disjointed. The focus and purpose was muddled. As I worked with Krista on the site thinking about overall design and layout, my purpose and focus became more and more clear which in turn led to even more clarity. It was a lovely snowball!

How is your new website iteration reflective of the work you do?

One of my goals for the new site was to create a place to foster community engagement for my readers. I wanted my new online home to feel welcoming, safe, and nurturing. I wanted it to feel like your favorite cafe where readers can enjoy a mug of their favorite hot beverage, chat with others, and hang out for a while.

Seeing others take courageous action is inspiring. Krista helped me create an interactive map that allows individuals to declare their dreams and share what they are doing now that they are no longer waiting for “someday”. Writing your intentions down and sharing them with others starts shifting things around you. You realize the next action. Opportunities arise. I love all aspects of my site, but I might love the map just a teensy bit more than everything else. :)

I love the unified feel of the site and the clear ways for people to get engaged and take action towards achieving their dreams. My style of coaching fosters my clients innate strengths while also pointing out self sabotaging patterns of behavior and limiting beliefs. Through a process of guided self discovery, my clients are able to have insights about themselves that lead to breakthroughs in their lives. Krista was able to capture this vibe and have it shine through on the site.

What kinds of compliments have you received about your new web design?

People love the clean, crisp feel of the site. They love how easy it is to find me and connect with me.

What’s one thing you discovered about web strategy/web design/personal branding/technology from working with Krista?

What I love about working with Krista is the way that she’s able to explain why she is doing what she’s doing. She not only gives you the technological framework but the reasons for that particular layout and why it matters for the user experience. She is also awesome about providing easy to follow videos that explain how to do things on your site. Another of Krista’s strengths is her ability to customize. She’s your partner and has a huge desire to make sure she’s got it right: the feel, the look, and the technical aspects.

What do you now know for sure?

ThaLife is about connecting with others. An online home that highlights who you are and what you are up to (without the playing small or hiding behind unclear content or navigation) allows others to find and know you. It’s scary to put yourself out in there in what feels like a huge spotlight but it is worth it as more and more right people are able to find you and work with you. Together we do achieve more and when we connect we’re healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

Here’s a screenshot of Lorena’s new online home:

Lorena Knapp, site design by Krista Smith.png

You can visit her site in person here.

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Lorena. In the comments, both Lorena and I would love to hear your thoughts — on big dreams, on her new design, or on her work!


Krista Smith

If you are a woman over 40 who owns a small business, you understand how important it is to have your website, social media, and email marketing working for you while you sleep. I'm Krista Smith. Here at Activate Her Awesome, I have a proven framework that I use to develop websites and marketing plans that work so you can attract new leads and increase your sales.

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