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A Digital DNA Design for Insightful Gail Gaspar

Gail-Gaspar,-Digital-DNAToday I have the privilege of introducing you to Gail Gaspar.

Gail is a co-active coach who helps her clients create the lifestyle they crave in the “next-stage” of their lives. Through her own eye-opening transformation, she designed a process of Leading True that enables her clients to navigate business building and career changes with a fulfilling lifestyle outcome in mind.

Gail fully believes it is possible to reinvent yourself with a renewed sense of purpose at any stage of life. Don’t you just love that?

Let’s meet Gail and get inspired:

What’s the best way to bottom line what you do?

I help small business owners, entrepreneurs and coaches step in to purpose-driven career roles for more freedom, impact and revenue.

Let’s pretend we just met on the sidewalk and both of us are free for the afternoon [yes!]. Where would you suggest we go for our first in-real-life conversation?

I would suggest we take a walk along the beautiful natural path and flowing river near my home.

How do you describe your work?

Co-creator for next-stage, authentic career, lifestyle and leadership success.

What’s the one thing you wish everyone understood about what you do?

That we’re not meant to go it alone. That continuing to create challenge, meaning and revenue beyond what we think is possible, is done very efficiently and enjoyably in partnership.

What’s your favourite place to hangout online right now? Why?

My favorite place to hang out online now is on Facebook. I’m an extravert who loves being engaged with and making connections among people I know and like. I particularly like the humor, stories, links and support on Facebook.

Close your eyes and think back to your old website. What do you remember?

I remember that my site felt outdated. Was no longer in alignment with my ideals, energy, creativity, voice. The content felt crowded. It did not clearly state what was offered and how easy it is to get started, take intentional action with compassion, and not go it alone with coaching.

How is your new website iteration reflective of the work you do? invites the reader to explore the site through the use of original photographs and crafted content. From color selection to page layout, from ease of navigation to free resources, it’s a freedom-call to action and partnership that those who are ready for a purpose-driven path will recognize and pursue.

What kinds of compliments have you received about your new web design?

I’ve received so many compliments on the new site including spacious, wise, calming, clear message, generous, inspiring, beautiful to look at, easy to navigate.

What’s one thing you discovered about web strategy/web design/personal branding/technology from working with Krista?

It doesn’t have to be hard! It can be an enjoyable, collaborative learning process.

What do you now know for sure?

I know now that having a site that’s current and in alignment with my message and services is a vital element of my business. Wish I’d done this sooner!

Here’s a screenshot of Gail’s new online home: 2014-10-29 16-02-38 2014-10-29 16-03-19To visit Gail’s site, please click HERE.

In the comments, both Gail and I would LOVE to hear about what you think of her new online home and her amazing work.

Krista Smith

If you are a woman over 40 who owns a small business, you understand how important it is to have your website, social media, and email marketing working for you while you sleep. I'm Krista Smith. Here at Activate Her Awesome, I have a proven framework that I use to develop websites and marketing plans that work so you can attract new leads and increase your sales.

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